Creative solutions for business problems.

I’m passionate about finding design and marketing solutions to business problems - from research and collaboration, to planning and execution.

  • Digital and Print mediums.

    Visual brand development, Web design, UX/UI Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, Presentation design, Concept development, Advertising, Copywriting, A/B Testing (Creative), Illustration, Experiential design (offices, tradeshows), Swag design, Employer Branding, Template design (web pages, documents, presentations)

    • Excellent written & verbal communication

    • Collaboration & stakeholder engagement

    • Vendor management & communication

    • Budget tracking

    • Solutions-oriented

    • Simplifying complex, diverse ideas into a single concept

    • Management of assets, systems, and people Public speaking

    • Project management

    • Staff enablement: lunch & learns, how-to videos, documentation

    • CMS Management

    • Asset library management

Recent Work

As Marketing Design Team Lead at a software company.


Everything Else

With more variety, including illustration and packaging.

or keep scrolling to learn more about what makes me tick

I’ve always been crafty.

Not in a sneaky way, but in that, “how did you make that out of a ball of yarn, two pieces of paper, and a stapler?!” way. I’m one of those.

That doesn’t mean I sit around gluing my fingers together, though. I’ve spent the last 10+ years digging into design. I earned my Bachelor's of Design from the Alberta University of the Arts in 2015 (where I actually did glue my fingers together a lot) and since then I've worked for companies like Coconut Software and Territorial.

Over the years I've collected skills in marketing, branding, concept development, advertising, management, copywriting, swag design, web design, UX/UI design, print design, event collateral and booth design, illustration... I could go on, but less is more, right?

Right now I'm open to work, and if those skills sound like something you need, please send me a message. I'd love to hear from you. To learn more about my work history, check me out on LinkedIn.

Outside of work…

  • I’m a DIYer and I spend my time repairing and renovating with my husband

  • I keep 2 cats and innumerable plants alive

  • I love reading fiction as well as listening to audio books and podcasts

What’s it like to work with me?

Here’s what other people are saying about it. To read more, check out the recommendations section on my LinkedIn page.

Contact Me

Want to talk about a project or position?
Shoot me a message.